2017.10.17 - 10.29
マヌエル・ファン・ダイク Manuel van Dyck
35mmハーフ判 カラーデジタルプリント A3 42枚
マヌエル・ファン・ダイク・略歴 >>
昨夜はいつもの場所が割引をしてくれた。それで40枚じゃなくて41枚の写真があるってわけだ。悲しいことに、まだDouglas Adamsには1枚足りない。彼を知っているかい !?
I was offered a discount at my usual place-- last night, this is why there's 41 instead of 40 pictures. Sadly I am still one print off from Douglas Adams. Do you know him?!
I forgot where I was getting with this thing, but anyway why are you wasting your time reading this? You should probably be looking at the pictures. That's why you came anyway, right? I mean-- that is what I hope you came for-- it is of course frighteningly possible that you just inadvertently stumbled into this place without the first idea of what to expect-- and that makes two of us.
Manuel van Dyck |