2022.3.15 - 3.27
マヌエル・ファン・ダイク Manuel van Dyck
35mm モノクロ 11×14in. 28枚
マヌエル・ファン・ダイク・略歴 >>
In taking pictures, I have realized that I am actually looking for signs. I think a sign could be anything ― a gesture, a shape, the way light falls on a strangers hair, a false memory, an absence, the sound of endless waves.
I can not know the signs buried within my inner self. For they are locked away behind unlabeled doors. Doors for which no key exists, arranged in a Minotaur maze that has no entrance nor exit, exists hidden far from the prying eye of my conscious self.
So, whenever a picture touches a sign, it is a sensation akin to being struck by lightning. I feel something move deep in my conscious, slowly and with great deliberation. I do not know what it is, its shape is impossible, its size unfathomable. In fact, it feels as if reality itself is turning a corner ― and here I am in the same other place.
And then the search goes on. Until, eventually, the last sign is found and all mystery is extinguished, because all answers have been given.
But there is no such place.
Manuel van Dyck |