2022.10.4 - 10.16
マヌエル・ファン・ダイク Manuel van Dyck
ハーフ判 カラー A3 44枚
マヌエル・ファン・ダイク・略歴 >>
私は相手からスマートフォンを奪い取ろうとしたけれど、掴み掛かろうとした手は巧みにかわされてしまった。 私の見苦しい部分を、この忌まわしい過去のニキビを、その重荷から解放しようとする私の試みは失敗に終わってしまった。
そんな不可解な世界から、私たちは私たちから、自分から解放される。完璧に服を着て、靴を履き、キュレーションして、シェアして、繕って、隠して、少なくとも7人以上のオーディエンスに対して見栄えを整える重荷から、解放されるんだ。それって素晴らしいことだと思わない? 今のところ、これはチンケで突飛な妄想に過ぎないけれど。プロペラを緑色のマーカーで慌てて殴り書きしただけの、張りぼての飛行機で飛ぶかのような。
"This is a stupid picture and you should delete it!" I insist while trying to wrestle the smartphone from the other, who skillfully evades my grasping hands - rendering my attempts at liberating this unsightly slice of the self, this damned pimple on my past, of it's burden of being - unsuccessful.
Only later, much later, I see - myself, an impish figure that sneaks up onto its subjects to quickly take their unguarded pictures, then taking off with hasty steps, snickering all along the way - the humor in it and have to chuckle. A stranger seated opposite cocks a quizzical eyebrow at my antics then goes back to his phone.
Would it not be great, to have rendered upon us - the un-social media?
A place where all of us happen to look rather silly - at all times. All working jobs that can be annoying at the best times, having pimples in exactly the wrong places and what's with the hair -- ? Thus we would be liberated - from ourselves, from me! Liberated from the weight of being perfectly clothed, shod, curated, shared, digested, manicured and being presentable to an audience of -- no smaller than at least seven.
Wouldn't that be nice?
For now, this remains a strange flight of fancy; the flight of a plane made from paper-mache, the propeller hastily scrawled-on in green sharpie. Ah, alas -
I promise, I won't try to wrestle your phone away the next time
Manuel van Dyck |