2023.4.25 - 5.7
マヌエル・ファン・ダイク Manuel van Dyck
6×6判 モノクロ
ゼラチンシルバープリント 9.5×12.in 27枚
マヌエル・ファン・ダイク・略歴 >>
At times when I look photos that I have taken a while back I feel a strange disconnect - the impression of the place, event or person the picture depicts remains, but somehow the surrounding circumstances, sometimes even including the memory of having taken the picture have been lost.
It is almost as if my act of taking the photo has turned a corner and has gone out of reach, beyond my mental grasp. The picture itself remains illuminating, shining a light into my memories even if the surrounding circumstances have slowly fallen away - like the petals on a flower tumbling, falling and fading into the depth of forgetting. There is no sound.
And yet, connecting the pictures, in between them, there is a faint glowing trace. This trace shines bright but also, somehow, feels incredibly delicate; vibrating to the low hum of possible pasts. Almost akin to a flame it licks between pictures connecting them in alternative realities, merging them with my own past. The past is gone.
But, as I sit in my room re-arranging the photographs, putting them down one by one, side by side, listening to the hum of the trace, as a new story is being written written. Mine.
Manuel van Dyck |