2024.9.3 - 9.15
マヌエル・ファン・ダイク Manuel van Dyck
Behind Glass Vol.4
6×6判 カラー
タイプCプリント 11×14.in 25枚
マヌエル・ファン・ダイク・略歴 >>
When I am not hearing anything at all, I still carry the the sound of the wind within me, a hollow voice sweeping across a vast but empty shapeless landscape. Under it, the whisper of countless grains of sand flowing and sliding giving shape to nothing. The warm asphalt meets my sole firmly as I wander through the nightly city, feeling the familiar pull of the camera strap on my shoulder - and yet I am also in this other place carrying nothing, wading through coarse sand. In this place, at the end of time there is no more need for pictures.
Sometimes in a quiet nowhere corner the pull gets too strong and I switch the hearing-aids back on to re-emerge within our reality. In a rush sound returns. The shuffle of my own footfalls, the distant rumble of cars and the ever present hum of air-conditioning inverter units working through the night. The feeling subsides, the sand drains away invisibly and with it this vision of a future to come. The convergence pauses unsteadily - as if to re-consider. The spots where reality had worn thin like the membranous wings of a freshly molted insect - harden, solidify and become unremarkable - again.
But within the cameras metal confines, beyond the mysterious well of the lens - almost inaudibly you can hear the flow of sand.
Manuel van Dyck |